It’s Test-Driven Development with a twist! Developing new functionality with approval tests requires some slightly different steps, but if you’re a visual thinker like me you might just prefer it. In this blog post I’ll explain how it works.

You may be familiar with the Gilded Rose Kata. It’s the most popular exercise I have on my GitHub page. About a year ago I posted some videos demonstrating a way to solve it. I used several techniques, including ‘Approval’ testing, which is also known as ‘Golden Master’ testing. It’s an approach that’s often used to get legacy code under control. What’s perhaps less known is that you can use the same tools for new development. I’ve put together a new exercise – the ‘Lift’ kata – to help people understand how this works.
If you’ve never done the Lift Kata now might be a good time to try it out. I originally worked from this description of it, and I now have my own description and GitHub repo for those who want to try it out “approval testing style”. The first step towards solving it is to spend some time understanding the problem. I’m going to assume that most of you have been in a lift at some point, so take a few minutes to note down your understanding of how they work, and the rules that govern them. Perhaps even formulate some test cases.
I did this by sketching out some scenarios. I say ‘sketch’ and not ‘formulate’ quite deliberately! The way my mind works is quite visual, so for me it made sense to represent each floor vertically on the page, and write the name of the lift next to the floor it was on. This shows a lift system with four floors named 0, 1, 2, 3, and one lift named ‘A’, on floor 0:

This is just a snapshot of a moment in time. I then started to think about how a lift responds to people pressing the floor buttons inside. I figured that this is an important aspect to test and proceeded to sketch it out. It occurred to me that I could write a list of requested floor numbers next to the lift name, but then I noticed it was even clearer if I put a mark next to each requested. For example, if passengers request floors 2 and 3 I can sketch it like this:

The next move for this lift would be to go to floor 2 since it’s the closest requested floor. That example could be formulated as a test case sketch like this:

I can use this sketch as the first test case for TDD. I’ll need to write code for a lift with floors and requests. I’ll also need to write a ‘Printer’ that can turn a lift object into some output that looks like my sketch. I write some code for this and use the printer output in the ‘verify’ step of the test. After some work the output looks like this:

This ascii-art looks much the same as my sketch. One difference is that I wrote the floor numbers at both ends of each line. This is a trick to stop my editor from deleting what it thinks is irrelevant trailing whitespace at the ends of lines! I think it looks enough like my sketch to approve the output and store it as a ‘golden master’ for this scenario. Actually, I’ve already approved it several times as it started to look more and more like my sketch. And every time I did that I could refactor a little before adding more functionality and updating the approved file again.
I’m looking at the requirements again and realize that I haven’t modelled the lift’s doors. You can’t fulfill a request until you’ve opened the doors, and that only happens after you’ve moved to the right floor. I drew a new sketch including them, shown below. I’ve written [A] for a lift called ‘A’ with closed doors, and ]A[ for when it has open doors. I also show an intermediate step when the lift is on the correct floor, but since the doors are closed the request is still active:

To get this to pass I’ll need to update all of my lift class, my printer, and my test case. After a little coding, and a few iterations of improving both the code and the printer, the test produces output that looks like this and I approve it:

Now that the test is passing, I’m fairly happy that my lift can answer requests. The next feature I was thinking about was being able to call the lift from another floor. For this I think I’ll need a new test case. Let’s say I’m standing on the third floor and the lift is on floor 1, and I press the button to go down. I can include that in my sketch by putting a ”v” next to the floor I’m on. The whole scenario might play out like this:

As before, I spend time improving both the lift code and the printer. I approve intermediate results several times and do several refactorings. At some point the output from my program looks like my sketch and I approve it:

Great stuff! My lift can now fulfill requests from passengers and answer calls from another floor. Time for a celebratory cup of tea!
I’ve shown you the first couple of test cases, but there are of course plenty more features I could implement. A system with more than one lift for a start. Plus, the lift should alert the person waiting when it arrives by making a ‘ding’ when it opens the doors. I feel my lifts would be vastly improved if they said ding! I’ll have to come up with a new sketch that includes this feature. For the moment, let’s pause and reflect on the development process I’ve used so far.
Comparing Approval Testing with ordinary TDD
If I’d been doing ordinary Test-Driven Development with unit tests I might have created a dozen tests in the same time period for the same functionality. With Approval Testing I’ve still been working incrementally and iteratively and refactoring just as frequently. I only have two test cases though. The size of the unit being tested is a little larger than with ordinary TDD, but the feedback cycle is similarly short.
Having a slightly larger unit for testing can be an advantage or a disadvantage, depending on how you view it. When the chunk of code being tested is larger, and the test uses a fairly narrow interface to access that code, it constrains the design less than it would if you instead had many finer grained tests for lower level interfaces. That means the tests don’t influence the design as strongly, and don’t need to be changed as often when you refactor.
Another difference is that I’ve invested some effort in building code that can print a lift system as an ASCII artwork, which is reused in all my tests. In classic TDD I’d have had to write assertion code that would have been different in every test.
Try it for yourself
What I’ve done isn’t exactly the same as ordinary TDD, but I think it’s a useful approach with many of the same benefits. I’ve put this exercise up on GitHub, so you can try it out for yourself. I’ve included the code for my printer so you don’t have to spend a lot of time setting that up, and can get on with developing your lift functionality. I’ve also recorded a video together with Adrian Bolboaca where I explain how the exercise works. So far I’ve translated the starting code into Java, C# and Python, and some friends have done a C++ version. (Do send me a pull request if you translate it to your favourite language.) And that’s it! You’ve seen how easy it is, so why don’t you have a try at Approval testing-style TDD for yourself?