Note: this article was first published on ProAgile’s blog.

I’ve just joined ProAgile, and it feels great. I’ve known many of the other coaches for some years, and admire their work. My background is as a software developer, and I specialize in the technical side of Agile. Practices like Test-Driven Development, Refactoring, flexible and extensible design, Continuous Integration and so on. If you’re developing software, then you’re going to need to include these kinds of things on your agile journey.
I see great opportunities for collaborating with my new colleagues. We can coach organizations and teams with agile ambitions and cover more aspects if we work together. I work primarily with software developers and help them to write the code in a more agile way. Many of my colleagues are focused on organizational change, agile leadership, team development and other aspects of the agile journey. I think coaches who collaborate will be a win-win situation for everyone.
As well as coaching developers, I am also planning to offer open training courses in agile coding techniques. I wrote a book a few years ago ”The Coding Dojo Handbook” and I love designing small code kata exercises. Many are available on my github page. I’ve worked for many years with an automated testing approach called ”Approval Testing” which I’ve written about on my personal blog. I’ve also worked with testers on strategies when doing Continuous Delivery, and recently developed a card game. I hope to add some new courses to ProAgile’s selection shortly, I have a lot of teaching materials and experience to draw on.